CPUSA Statement on Sam Webb
Issues concerning recent emails/statements by Sam Webb
The Communist Party, USA is taking the unusual step of issuing this statement because of a barrage of recent public statements by Sam Webb. Many have received emails from Sam Webb attacking a broad range of progressive activists. In many he represents himself as a leader and member of the Communist Party, USA.
Sam Webb has been removed from all positions of leadership and responsibility in the Communist Party, USA by an unusual unanimous decision of the National Board of the CPUSA.
Sam Webb was been placed on probationary membership three weeks ago and is not a full member of nor does he reflect the views of the Communist Party, USA. The National Board of the CPUSA is considering dropping Sam Webb from membership because of his attacks on progressives. He continues to target elected officials, union leaders, and other leaders in the broader mass movements for social change.
The Communist Party, USA believes the only path to social and economic justice is through the struggle for unity. We are deeply involved in efforts to organize the broadest possible coalitions against the lame-duck Bush administration and its policies. The policies of the Communist Party, USA have long been premised on working to unite all who struggle for democracy, peace and justice.
National Board, CPUSA 1.07.2007