Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tiger's college girlfriend speaks out

As many of you know, basketball is my thing.

I am coming to appreciate golf.

I am enamored with Tiger Woods and kind of jealous.

We supported Irene Folstrom when she ran for Minnesota State Senator. I sent my Sue out to Minnesota to do the story. I am so proud we got got to interview Irene Folstrom long before Golf magazine. This putts us right up there with the big swingers and long strokers of the golfing world.

We should do a little networking here and put Irene in touch with Erwin Marquit to see if we can't get Irene fitted with some neon pink lingerie. We could put her on the cover of the PW along with a photo of Irene and Tiger playing on the beach.

I like Irene's statement here that she isn't doing any of this for money.

Irene has many friends just like her who are principled people who do things for other motives besides money. One example of someone who has mentored Irene Folstrom after her fling with Tiger is John McCarthy of the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association. Here is a man who has committed his entire life to helping Indians and has found it impossible to shun all the money they insist on showering him with. So much of John McCarthy can be seen in Irene Folstrom. Both work together hoping they will not receive any financial rewards for their efforts in promoting the Indian Gaming Industry. No matter how hard they try they just can't manage to avoid reaping monetary gain.

Both Irene Folstrom and John McCarthy share a loyalty to Indian people in supporting so many good causes like the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party.

Irene Folstrom is so kind and caring she even made a huge campaign contribution to her opponent Mary Olson another great humanitarian who supports so many Native causes.

I have some thoughts bouncing around my head about Irene Folstrom and Tiger Woods.

There are questions swirling about how Irene is so confident Tiger was faithful to her. She sniffed. Thank you for allowing me to answer one of the most important questions of the day.

Sam Webb
National Chair, CPUSA

By Irene Folstrom

Published: March 03, 2010

Folstrom is an advocate for Native American causes.

Tiger Woods was my boyfriend for a year and a half while we were both undergraduates at Stanford. I've never spoken to the press about him; I'm not coming forward now for money or to advance any pathetic showbiz aspirations, but merely to stick up for a friend. I haven't seen Tiger since the late ’90s, but I know who he is at his core because we were together during some of his most formative years. He was so human and cared so much about other people and the world around him. This may surprise some people, but Tiger was a great boyfriend.

I have so many fond memories of our time together. At that age Tiger had an amazing metabolism so we spent a lot of time eating. Our favorite restaurant was a Chinese joint in Mountain View; the guys there must have been golf fans because they always gave us free desserts, which was a big deal to us.

I walked many golf courses watching Tiger play, sometimes with his mother, Tida. I grew up on an Indian reservation in Minnesota, and I think Tida accepted me so readily because Tiger and I shared many of the same values. Earl and I talked a lot about politics and national affairs, and Earl often made me laugh so hard, my stomach muscles cramped. He loved to tease Tiger and me about our puppy love.

During our Southern California road trips Tiger and I spent a lot of time at the beach. We would steal a bottle of whiskey from Earl or I’d use my fake ID to buy a jug of wine, and we’d hang out and dream about the future. Tiger was very driven to be a great golfer, but he also talked a lot about wanting to make a larger contribution to society. Settling down was not a priority; Earl had drilled into Tiger that he should wait until his 30s to get married.

Our relationship ended when Tiger turned pro after his sophomore year. Becoming the first person in my family to earn a college degree was so important to me that I wasn’t willing to give up my studies to follow him. Like everyone else, I was shocked by the revelations about his infidelities. The Tiger I knew was loyal, devoted and self-­controlled. I’m not naive, but I can say with certainty that he was faithful during the time we dated. The speculation that he's being treated for sex addiction is surprising because we enjoyed a normal sexual relationship.

I don’t have any insight into how he led such a double life. I will say that Tiger had an ability to shut things out and compartmentalize his emotions. Even back then he felt enormous pressure to be Tiger Woods. Maybe this was his form of escape.

Obviously Tiger has made some big mistakes, but he’s apologized and seems to be trying to heal himself and his family. I hope the public will forgive him because he deserves a second chance. He’s a good person with a caring heart.

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